'How do you have faith? Isn't faith supposed to be a belief that God
is trustworthy, that He's looking out for you, and that, no matter
what happens, if you love Him, he's got you pretty well in hand? How
can you believe that when you're not sure He's even actually there?'
yes God has you in hand michael, but... that doesnt mean that life is going to be perfect. we still live in an imperfect world which means things out of our control. there is still going to be death, hardships, and confusion.
but does that mean that when hardships come that God is not there? absolutly not. God see's the hardest times of our lives. he knows when we hurt and are in pain. he is there to help us in whatever manner is going to be the best for our lives. He promised he would never leave us nor forsake us. PROMISED.
the situation with my mom was hard. at moments i admit that i was upset at God for the condition He put her in. but then i realized that it wasnt God at all, it was the doctors and those surrounding her that were hurting her the most. God was with us the family. and God expedited the healing process. we can not blame God for situations we put ourselfs in. such as if i were to drink 10 beers in one hour how can i blame God for my inability to walk in a straight line?
we as humans must take responsibility for our actions.
we cannot place human error/lack of faith/ and bad things happening to us all in the same sentence. they are not comparable.
faith is just that... faith. we cannot see the wind but we realize it is there.
no one has ever examined the intentity of 'love' but we have felt it.
same with God. eyes have not seen, but we believe.
God is not always in the earthquakes, or the lightning, sometimes he is in that still small voice. the one that others pass by.
atheism is ridiculous.
think about it. i cant prove Gods existence any better than you can prove that He is not here. agnostic is more rational because it shows that you do not know.
ravi zacheria did a lecture on atheism, and it is amazing. im sure if you do a google search for it online you will find it. it is invalubale.
i like your theory on pascals wager. that is like marrying for money and not for love.
you do it simply because it gives you some sense of comfort, even though ever moment is bitterness. i think that if you find the Christ i did that heaven is an afterthought.
i came to Christ because he is the first real and pure altruist i have come across. the study of religions show a very egocentric explination of our time here on earth.
but Christ shows us that "this is pure religion... to love the widows and orphans, and keep oneself unspotted from the world."
there is nothing egoistic about this!
and that is what i came to adore about this paticular religion.
if you like to read there is a book called 'the case for Christ' by lee strobel.
it was invaluable in my search for truth. he was a former 'atheist' who took a lawyer/journalist approach to religion and God.
read it!
the battle is between flesh and spirit. the flesh craves earthly desires while the spirit longs to be closer to God. that is the battle. God gave you rationality and a mind to seek the truth. but nothing in life will fill the void that keeps bringing these questions to the surface like God can.
SEEK and you WILL find.
KNOCK and i WILL answer.
is trustworthy, that He's looking out for you, and that, no matter
what happens, if you love Him, he's got you pretty well in hand? How
can you believe that when you're not sure He's even actually there?'
yes God has you in hand michael, but... that doesnt mean that life is going to be perfect. we still live in an imperfect world which means things out of our control. there is still going to be death, hardships, and confusion.
but does that mean that when hardships come that God is not there? absolutly not. God see's the hardest times of our lives. he knows when we hurt and are in pain. he is there to help us in whatever manner is going to be the best for our lives. He promised he would never leave us nor forsake us. PROMISED.
the situation with my mom was hard. at moments i admit that i was upset at God for the condition He put her in. but then i realized that it wasnt God at all, it was the doctors and those surrounding her that were hurting her the most. God was with us the family. and God expedited the healing process. we can not blame God for situations we put ourselfs in. such as if i were to drink 10 beers in one hour how can i blame God for my inability to walk in a straight line?
we as humans must take responsibility for our actions.
we cannot place human error/lack of faith/ and bad things happening to us all in the same sentence. they are not comparable.
faith is just that... faith. we cannot see the wind but we realize it is there.
no one has ever examined the intentity of 'love' but we have felt it.
same with God. eyes have not seen, but we believe.
God is not always in the earthquakes, or the lightning, sometimes he is in that still small voice. the one that others pass by.
atheism is ridiculous.
think about it. i cant prove Gods existence any better than you can prove that He is not here. agnostic is more rational because it shows that you do not know.
ravi zacheria did a lecture on atheism, and it is amazing. im sure if you do a google search for it online you will find it. it is invalubale.
i like your theory on pascals wager. that is like marrying for money and not for love.
you do it simply because it gives you some sense of comfort, even though ever moment is bitterness. i think that if you find the Christ i did that heaven is an afterthought.
i came to Christ because he is the first real and pure altruist i have come across. the study of religions show a very egocentric explination of our time here on earth.
but Christ shows us that "this is pure religion... to love the widows and orphans, and keep oneself unspotted from the world."
there is nothing egoistic about this!
and that is what i came to adore about this paticular religion.
if you like to read there is a book called 'the case for Christ' by lee strobel.
it was invaluable in my search for truth. he was a former 'atheist' who took a lawyer/journalist approach to religion and God.
read it!
the battle is between flesh and spirit. the flesh craves earthly desires while the spirit longs to be closer to God. that is the battle. God gave you rationality and a mind to seek the truth. but nothing in life will fill the void that keeps bringing these questions to the surface like God can.
SEEK and you WILL find.
KNOCK and i WILL answer.