Monday, August 07, 2006

punk the clock

THE BOY WITH A THORN ~ Stephen Christian of ANBERLIN

Just when you start to doubt everything in the music industry here comes a little known deity known as ANBERLIN’s Stephen Christian and snaps the PASSION back into business.

Starting where we wrapped up: The third album titled "Reclusion” due out in January 2007 on Tooth & Nail, Stephen drives home the promise of honest, deeper, darker meaning in his lyrics canvassing everything BUT a girl and another testy rhetoric relationship casualty. A powerful indicator that the third album “Reclusion” with trifecta producer Aaron Sprinkle (Fair, Emery, Acceptance) will be steering closer toward the outspoken lyrically/vocally pioneers of real life influencers The Cure, The Smiths, Depeche Mode. And without switching gears and confusing the hardcore fans who aren’t seeking an alter state ANBERLIN or screening a reinvention of ANBERLIN. Exactly what “Reclusion” means perhaps the aftermath from pure solitude, darker, mature, and distinct. “Reclusion” will not be a resonating alibi for the group ANBERLIN exacting synergy (mind blowing) that you hear on every song, at every show. Although the production has been pushed back to the end of July, Joey Mulligan has written about 22 songs already. (I am praying that there is a leak, a stream something along the way!)

After three and a half years on the road ANBERLIN is out to prove they aren’t that “group” that “band” that comes out of studio changing direction on every album. There isn’t a publicity shroud of impending or rumored breakup or a timeout to think about commitment to the lifestyle that five best of friends banded together to pursue-for friendship and music- and unequivocally a respect towards responsibility to you the fan.

Stephen’s vibe is collective, high, and infectious my thoughts were racing that he wasn’t standoffish like I expected, he was open as if inviting a dare and so I questioned. “ANBERLIN uses music to minister not just to the youth but all ages, but what if God silenced your beautifully exalted charged voice from us- without pause he stated brilliantly “ANBERLIN isn’t my identity”-

A very savant point Stephen’s vocals have a reach beyond 16 bars, he’s just written his book "The Orphaned Anythings" that is being shopped by his agent. Absolutely incredible his dedicated to addressing everyday inner struggles within yours, mine, our higher power, depression, being truthful with yourself, inspiring life teaching’s on, he sometimes responds up to 700 blogs a week. Everything ANBERLIN dedicated to helping people, making everyone-no matter who you are and what you’ve done-to feel better than they were before ANBERLIN or the boy with the thorn encounter. My veins were about to explode pure fusion when he continues with “Knate and I, our drummer, have just returned from Haiti and Honduras, and if they could have it their way they would have had Underoath and Fall Out Boy rocking on the Port au Prince, Haiti- (I would drop everything to document night and day. I was curious and read Stephens online manuscript, I felt as if I was going behind his back, unveiling his lonely secrets, forlorn exquisite depth into THE BOY WITH A THORN. Christians, solo acoustic effort with (Marsh, Bucklew, Louis, Becker, Pimperly, Griner, Reid and Lux) After listening to the “Wedding Funeral” I could not write anymore, I really feel like I lost something, someone, and I should be in tears, I became eight, eighteen and 25 all at once. It was the year 1904, 1944 and 2006 all at once, undrawn in a fourth dimension! I will address this in PART II)

Here without further sidebar conversations with myself is the conclusion of my interview with Stephen Christian of Anberlin.

PTC: How do you deal with the pressure and expectations?

He genuinely declares, “Accountability-like do these lyrics suck? Are they dealing with real issues, more passionate less pop. I want to be more honest.”

PTC: What really set you guys apart from the rest in order to rise above the initial "Christian" status?

SC: “We didn't by into the Christian genre, nor did we sell ourselves as such. We turned down what we felt were "Christian" tours and started going out with bands like the starting line and my chem. after awhile we gained the respect of our peers in the 'Christian scene' while still gaining credibility to the rest of the world.”

PTC: I love the bands attitude for being on the road and having such a healthy attitude. How do you keep it interesting stories/antidotes?

SC: “READ-A lot. Whatever we can get our hands on. EXPLORE. We don’t just sit on the bus when we pull up we go and find out what the town has to offer. Also we don’t waste our time off, if its not with family were flying somewhere in the world to make new friends or help someone in need. We realize that the band can be over tomorrow, so we choose not to take any day for granted.”

PTC: So what have you learned from your experiences in the past year?

SC: “That friendship is more important than career and a career should not be who you are simply what you do. That anything you put your mind soul and body after will eventually come about.”

PTC: In case you haven’t noticed- PTC did, it’s apparent everyday we are hearing about another band hitting rock bottom ( Why do you think so many bands are breaking up today?

SC: “Competition, pride, It’s the death of a rockstar, I live everyday like it is my last, are you serious I am with my best friends everyday. I love to travel and I travel the world, I just don’t understand bands that complain about not having the time of their life, I am not disheartened or discouraged at all”

Okay, one last sidebar PTC agrees- It is so true who cares about ridiculous tantrums, drama, beef, whatever? What could possibly be wrong-WHAT?

PTC: Where do you see yourselves in a year from now?

SC: “Still heavily devoted to ANBERLIN. I think one of us in the band will finally get married, or at least engaged. Not sure which one will be first but it looks like Strayer. We will have our third record out and hopefully be on tour with Taking Back Sunday. Ha.” (Wink Wink?)

PTC: What is the biggest misconception about being signed to a major label vs. indie?

SC: “We had been friends with our current A&R Chad Johnson for some time. When major labels started to seek us out a flux of indie labels joined them. Knowing Chad and seeing that the contract was the best offered we did not even pause. Tooth it was. I have no regrets, the only difference is that they have less money than that of a major, they cannot promote us on radio and they will not buy us a walk on TRL the biggest difference is that T&N listens to our music, they aren’t about the numbers, Tooth & Nail treat us like gold, we eat when they eat. I love Jonathon Frazier and Jonathon Dunn, T&N founder Brandon, Chad Johnson my A&R guy.””

Stephen and I discuss the bands that were on TRL about 5 years ago all corporate control, Britney Spears and the boy bands back then - I cant help but to interject on this point of view. FYI: When I made the initial licensing inquiry Jon Dunn told me I had to contact the bands directly signaling the group has soul control of their destiny. And signing to an independent doesn’t carry the halo effect, you don’t have a constant identity to live up to, its such a relief to know that the talent doesn’t have a stranglehold on production and THAT my dear readers is what being on a indie is all about-thank you Tooth & Nail.

If you haven’t heard of ANBERLIN click on the link here ( shhhh stop thinking stop judging and just listen, inhale the synergy between Joey Mulligan music and Stephens lyrics. I mean raw poetic artistry, nobuea verse in it finest ‘Symphony Blasé’ and ‘Paperthin Hymm’ most notably, admittedly I chose ‘Runaways’ for the PTC compilation from “Never Take Friendship Personal” as my bio it was me then and still renders a little bit about me today.

Stephens vocals are of the most distinguishable out of most of the music that is released today- all bets in Top five ALL TIME-the foundation of the groups strengths that separates them high above many “bands” ANBERLIN hasn’t even begun, chapter verse or however receptive, this is not just a lifestyle but a musicians vow.

And for the finale I accomplished what I set out to-

PTC: What is your favorite ANBERLIN song?

SC: “Bob Dylan-‘Like A Rolling Stone’ cover that and Christa Pafgen off the record “NTFP”

PTC: Name 2 tracks that you think would be considered "Classic Rock" ten years from now. It doesn't have to be an ANBERLIN track either.

SC: Something By My Chem. I can see them living on for some years. That one used song. 'Waste Some Time With You' I don’t know the name but dang is that catchy.

…bet you don’t know who Paperthin Hymm was written for…

Speaking with Stephen Christian of ANBERLIN was one of the most honest, open, on the record, for the record interviews ever for Punk The Clock founder, Catjia- I wanted to be a smart advocate engaged in the quest no one else has uncovered about ANBERLIN. I set out to challenge my own set of selfimposed rules and walked away with a solid and refreshing perspective simple and direct, it’s not a crush, it just turned me inside out. It has been exactly one month since I interviewed Stephen Christian, he really is The Boy With A Thorn.