Tuesday, October 17, 2006

salvo mag

1. How's it goin?
really really good. we in baltimore, maryland (US) and getting ready
to walk downtown, get some coffee, and because its raining probably
find a book store and read.

2. Anberlin originate from the sunshine state right? What was it like
growing up in such a hot tourist resort? I've been there and it looks like
to wall to wall commerce.
yes we are all from florida (the sunshine state). and you are absolutely right;
it is wall to wall commerce, growing up it was amazing because every
child is intrigued with mickey mouse. unfortunately as i grew older i
realized everything around me was faux-something, everything was
plastic. now its more annoying than anything else. the traffic, the
vast amounts of elderly people, the commericals, advertising,
billboards everywhere, etc.

3. Do you think this had any affect on the local music scene?
yes it has had a direct effect, because coming out of central florida
are some of the most plastic bands ever; from creed to backstreet boys
every corporate cookie cutter band from the late 90's were produced in
our area. the scene is finally making a comeback with bands like
underoath, copeland, inkwell, ourselfs and several others.

4. How did Anberlin meet?
we all played in local bands here,bloody horrible bands,nothing any of
us our proud of. the five of us were the ones that wanted to get out
of our enviroment and scene and pursue our passions and dreams. we
never imagined we would even grew to this point. we didn't care about
the money, the fame, popularity, sex, or drugs, we just wanted the
rock and roll.

5. What were the bands first steps towards becoming signed and climbing the

ranks of Tooth and Nail?

we put all our money together and went about 8 hours north to atlanta,
georgia where we recorded a demo with producer matt goldman at glow in
the dark studio. we took those demos and put them up on sites like
purevolume.com and obtained 25,000 plays with only 3 songs, in only 2
months. well labels began to wonder who this new band was that had so
many plays in so little time. we recieved several artists but at the
end of the day we trusted tooth and nail to take us where we wanted to
go. they have not let us down.

6. When Anberlin set out what was the primary motivation behind the band?
music. we knew nothing else. what we "wanted to be when we grew up"
were to be in a band. to make music together, to see the world. no
matter how we resisted the music always forced us to keep holding on,
even when everything else around us reasured us that letting go would
be the easiest way.

7. How do you guys like beign out on the road? Is it everything you
imagined it would be?
it is better than i imagined, but then again i never imagined that i
would ever ever be here. the road is now home. we tour/record about 10
1/2 months a year. its what we know and where we belong now. i wouldnt
have it any other way though. i love seeing the world, and exposing
more and more people to our 'art'.

8. How did you guys feel when Never Take Friendship Personal exploded in
the way that it has?

it never really hit us, its not like one day we just propped our feet
up on the couch with a cigar and said 'we did it, this is the good
life'. honestly it feels like there is always something else that
needs to be done or another listner that has never even heard of us,
and we need to find them out.

9. Which new bands have you guys been listening to? Who's record burns up
the tour bus CD player most frequently? i cant speak for everyone but
lately i have been playing thom york, talk demonic, the stills,
magnet, sia, the shins, mojave 3, the sea and cake, phoenix, nick
drake, mew, longview, the innocence mission, home, and aquaduct (just
to name a few).
we all have IPOD's so not alot of songs come over the bus speakers,
but usually before a show we play at the drive in to get up for the

10. Have you begun writing towards the next record? Is there any new
approach this time around?
we just finished our 3rd record, called CITIES, and it should be out
world wide on february 26th, 2007. there is definetly a new approach
to this record as this will be the most intropective and
autobiographical album we have ever put out. the music and lyrics set
a darker tone than our previous album without loosing the same
pop/rock anberlin sound everyone knows. i guarentee that this will be
the best anberlin record to date, i am sure of it.

11. What do you guys feel about the state of modern rock music? Touring
from place to place I guess you guys are exposed to new 'scenes' developing.

i am kind of over some scenes, i think screamo is a little played out,
i think that there are some really good screamo bands out there, but
there is now a flood in the market and it is becoming unoriginal and
trite. i am over hardcore, bands like norma jean, zao, and minor
threat have done everything there is to do in the scene and now it
just feels rehashed.
i want a bob dylan. i want our generations rolling stones! i want an
ac/dc, i want more timeless bands and not bands that are here today
and gone tomorrow.
i think our generation is so adhd that we may never accept another bob
dylan even if he was right in front of our face. or we would accept
him, until we get tired of his single.
i wish music would return to more simple times.
records used to mean something. now they are disposible. i remember
reading a book called "how soon is never" and the author was saying
when he got a vinyl copy of the smiths record he marched straight home
cluching the record to his chest the whole way home, sat down and
listened to it front and back for hours straight, absorbing the music.
now we just attatch our machine to a computer go on website and click
download. then we listen to the single and maybe one other song and
then click and buy something else, listening but never really hearing
what the artist is saying with his music.
sad really.

12. The lyrics on Never Take Friendship Personal seem retrospective, with a

meloncholy overtone; sometimes as though you're reliving a conversation and
drawing conclusions on subsequent events. Do you use your lyrics as a means
of saying something that you feel you should of at the time or revisiting a
situation with a new approach or attitude?

yes, and yes. some people go to psychologists to vent, i have lyrics.
in a way i believe they keep me sane by allowing me to get some deep
seeded issues off my chest.
NTFP was an album about interpersonal relationships, whether
boyfriend/girlfriend, brother/sister, father/daughter etc. but the
whole album actually happened. i have never written a song to contrive
a pop chorus. every song is a story in itself and i have continued
this same montra on the next record CITIES as well.

13. Which new bands have you enjoyed sharing the stage with recently? Are
there any amusing tour stores that spring to mind?

off the top of my head i cannot think of one "bad" band or tour that
we have shared the stage with. in their own way we have learned
something from each band we have played with.
last tour about 7 in the morning a turkey flew right through our bus
window! it was amazing and the crazy thing is it didnt die!!! i think
you can see some footage of the turkey and the event on
toothandnailtour.com if its still up.

14. What books and movies are you guys big into at the moment?
were all into different stuff but personally i just read a great book called
'fire in your belly' about masculinity in the western culture. very
insightful. germs, guns, and steel by jared diamond before that. both
were intriguing and insightful. right now i am reading God's politics
by jim wallis.
my favorite movie this year by far has been the last kiss, which i can
relate with the main character more than i care to admit.

15. Are you as excited about the band, in both playing and writing, now as
you were during the first couple of years?

this is the pinnicle of excitement for me, it has been an uphill climb
but i feel that we are close to something, i don't know what but
something! every day i wake up thanking God that i have the life i do.
i am content with exactly where we are and where the band is going.

16. What does the rest of the year see in store for Anberlin?
well nov. 20 will be 5 1/2 months that we will have been gone from
home with only a week break. so for me december of this year i think i
will do nothing. absolutely nothing. maybe sit on the couch and see
how long i can hold my breath. unfortunately i am much to "on the go"
for that. so in december i am recording my solo project called
anchor&braille with aaron marsh (copeland). we are set to release a
vinyl this fall as well (myspace.com/anchorandbraille
anchorandbraille.com for more info)

Thanks guys. I know I probabaly overwhelmed you with too many things for
you to answer. I hope that you get a chance to reply. Never Take
Friendship Personal is one of my favourite records. Take care.

James Brighouse


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